Friday, October 27, 2006

Chicago Status Upgraded

Application to Chicago checked - status Complete.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wharton Status Upgraded

Tonight my application status in Wharton was upgraded to Complete - Round 1. People in the Wharton S2S Forum started getting interview invitations. Good luck to everybody :)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stanford Done

Submitted my application to Stanford in the morning. Kept it for the last minute, got up at 5 am to make final strokes and discovered that I FORGOT about one of smaller essays. Yes, I mean it. I forgot about existence of this question, completely, and had to write it from zero :) People, don't repeat my mistakes ;)

Nevertheless, about 2,5 hours later I was ready to submit. Overall, it looks like Stanford's is my best set, with the nicest essays ever.
Invitations for interview will be distributed until one week prior to decision deadline (R1 - January 18).

Now, guys, to news about application process, specifically for Stanford. In submission follow-up I received a letter with two points that caught my attention.

1. The Adcom says:
We hope to interview between 800 and 1,200 applicants this year, and offer
admission to between 400 and 500 candidates.

I wonder, does it mean that the school is ready to enlarge the class? Or this number corresponds to usual statistics, taking into account number of people declining matriculation for some reason?

2. Stanford encourages potential students to apply for financial aid as soon as possible after submitting applications. You don't have to wait till you learn the decision.

Processing fee for financial aid application for international students is US$23. A copy (and translation, not certified) of a tax return report is requested. either recent or for 2005. It is not mandatory, though. My note to Russian applicants: tax return report may be obtained from your employer: ask for reference form "2NDFL".

Stanford's is my forth application, which completes my list for Round 1. As always, good luck to all fellow applicants :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Russian Applicants

I was glad to notice that two fellow Russians joined me in Admissions411 lists of applicants for Class 2009 :) Go Russia!

I am working idly on my last essay for Stanford. Gonna submit my application tonight... Very crazy lazy lately :)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Tell us about a time when you did something that was not established, expected, or popular

Title is taken from Stanford's list of essays. The following is not a draft for my application ;) but some melancholic variations on the theme.

There were about 20 people forced to retire from my company this summer, and about 10 more are waiting for their turn. Right now the target on the agenda of the day is me. How would you feel if you are under constant pressure to sign cancellation of your labour contract on your initiative because an employer is cutting wages and suddenly decided that he does not want you anymore? What if you are facing disciplinary punishment based on counterfeited grounds in order for an employer to use the only available legal option to dismiss you? Probably, you are feeling like you have no choice and should better leave before your reputation is marked with a labour dispute. The next moment, out of the frying pan into the fire, you think that whatever is going to happen, you will fight back. You spend your valuable time reading legal regulations to learn your rights and jump high in histeria each time there is a new message in your mailbox, because the last one was from venal HR manager, full of poison, telling you that starting from this moment you are not allowed to leave your workplace during office hours even for a lunch.

But you are not soft enough to give up and sign your leaving notice. Or, maybe, you are not flexible enough, as your colleagues, who already packed their things, say about you behind your back. You feel bedraggled. And lonely. Unsafe as never before. And not confident, because you ask youself - why I am the only one who is foolishly trying to oppose?

You ARE feeling like you are doing something non-established and painfully unpopular. There is nobody ahead of you to pave the way.

Ok, I think, it's a bit pathetic :) I just had to write this down because this is how I feel at the moment. Psychotherapy for myself.
How comes that a prospective MBA student got in such a mud up to her neck?!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Things To Do While Waiting

With the end of Round 1, more and more bloggers transit from pre-application rush into after-application suspense. There is a list of things to do While You Wait:

- Design and prepare/order presents for your recommenders, exam tuitors and other people who played significant part in your application process;
- Create a blog for future applicants to systematize all the useful info you got;
- Start designing a trip of your dream that you would probably take between leaving your job and starting classes;
- Prepare official transcripts, if you haven't done it before;
- Use the rage you accummulated during preparation to GMAT to conquer any certification or examination in your professional field, if any; if there is no such opportunity, do GMAT tuition to local applicants :)

+ Make yourself a Christmas present: embroider the emblem of your dream school(s) :))) No gal talk: seriously, do you know, that among cross-stitchers, each 1 of 3 is man? Stitching is a great way of relaxation.

Add your suggestions to my list :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Chicago Done

After some struggle, I succeeded in submitting my app to Chicago GSB. Based on local time, I guess that overnight troubles with accessing payment system were due to large number of applicants trying to submit from USA.

There were minor troubles this morning, such as with essays - file upload button did not work, but there was an opportunity to upload the text right into a text field on screen.

Chicago application looks good on paper :)

Problems with application form in Chicago

I am caught in a last minute trap. Cannot submit my application payment - payment interface fails.

It's past midnight in Moscow. Nasty situation. If there is no help in next 20 minutes, I am going to bed and will give a try tomorrow, in the deadline day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Beware of Columbia Academic Transcripts

Prepare to spend more time on your transcripts for application to Columbia than you had for those to other schools. In a regular self-reported transcript, an applicant has freedom to copy&paste subjects from his or her diplomas right into an Excel form. In Columbia, you have to choose a corresponding Department from a given list, for each course in each term. It can by tricky (which department is Ancient Mythology? What about History of Science? And I actually had to assume that Physical Training is a General Study :)

Don't leave it for the last moment.

Trigger Sentence

In some funny way, sometimes you cannot kick a key and start an essay for days in a row till you run into an original, captivating sentence that makes a really good preamble. I call such a preamble a "trigger" (borrowed the invention of someone else ;) A good, self-explaining word in many ways. It triggers you to pour all your thoughts out on paper in one mighty stream after many hours of painful silence and triggers your reader to follow you right out to the last detail.

My first ever realization of what a trigger sentence means came from reading a sample essay published by current student of Wharton&SAIS, Alex Fleming. Check it here:

A sample essay by Alex Fleming

In terms of capturing attention, an essay written by qzoink, found in Hobbes' blog, is the best piece of applicant's literature I have ever read:

An essay by qzoink

Enjoy! :)
P.S. This topic is written instead of completing my current application essay...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Wharton Timeline

Wharton posted a topic confirming the end of R1. Important dates listed in the post:

Thursday, 26 October: by this day, all received applications will be processed and, if all the requested materials are present, be assigned "Complete - Round One" status
Thursday, 16 November 06: up to this date, the AdCom will spread interview invitations. Applicants who will not be considered further, will receive a denial on this date.

"The Admissions Committee will begin releasing interview invitations on
Thursday, 19 October 06 and continue to do so daily until 5:00pm EST on
Thursday, 16 November 06. Due to the nature and complexity of the
admissions process, there is no particular order in which invitations are
Candidates who are offered an interview will receive their final admissions
decision by 5:00pm EST on Thursday, 21 December 06."

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Some statistics for applicants from Russia

A resource to compare your application to those of other people applying for the same class (plus, list of blogs of both admitted and dinged):


The link was found in commens to ScareCrow's blog.

Archive for Russian applicants for Class 2008:
Queen (f): GMAT 770 (5 tries), 34 years old, GPA 4.0, diploma with honors, 18 scientific publications, 8 years of experience - applied to Chicago, accepted.

eandrey1 (m): GMAT 720 (1 try), 29 years old, GPA 3.6, background in IT and entrepreneurship, 6+ years of experience - applied to Columbia in R1, Wharton, Stern, Kellogg and LBS in R2, accepted in Wharton and Stern, waitlisted in LBS, matriculated in Wharton.

Underhill (m): GMAT 710 (1 try), 24 years old, GPA 3.9, background in consulting, 3+ years of
experience - applied in INSEAD in 2005, accepted, refrained. Applied in Harvard in 2006, accepted and matriculated.

KAnd (m): GMAT 700 (3 tries), 30 yearls old, GPA n/a, background in manufacturing, 7+ years of experience - applied in Chicago in R1, waitlisted, in Darden and Michigan in R2, waitlisted in Darden, then admitted to all three schools. Matriculated in Chicago.

Unknown: GMAT 660, 27 years old, GPA 4.0 - applied in Michigan, accepted.

zzeee (m): GMAT 640 (2 tries), 25 years old, GPA n/a, CEO, 6+ years of experience - applied in Stanford in R1, dinged, in Wharton and Chicago in R2, dinged by Wharton, status in Chicago n/a

All kind of outcomes.

Grade obsession

I came across an article that would be interesting to applicants of any school which uses Grade Non-Disclosure principle. It illustrates situation in Wharton, though no offence intended. Have a look, it's worth your attention.

First-year alarmed, distracted, and disappointed over grade-obsession

Oops, I did it again (Applicant's Song)

I hit the button in Wharton. Despite certain lack of motivation (no Really Personal Reason Why Wharton) :) Why not, if my recommenders did such a great job to present me to the school? :) The last one of my recommenders spent two days in a row in recommendation form elaborating his opinion on my sense of humor in 1,000 characters ;))) How could I let him down after all?

Decisions will be released at December, 21. Lovely date, two days before my Christmas vacation =) And hey, it's less than three months away!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Arrogant? Who?

Yesterday I attended to an info session of Wharton. Usually I don't comment on my impressions, though in this particular message I can summarize that my single Stanford's session was lovely, with a fantastic, vivid representative of Adcom and an informative screen presentation, and Chicago's numerous sessions (GSB is the most active in Russia, to my observation) are always held in very friendly atmosphere because both alumni and current students are extremely devoted to the school.
I wouldn't write this topic if I wasn't very unpleasantly surprised with a speech made by Wharton's alumnus yesterday. When asked about advantages of Wharton against other top schools, the alumnus said literary the following: 'Among business schools, there are three Schools - Wharton, Harvard and Stanford - and all the rest. Harvard's students and alumni are arrogant, and Stanford's are very narrow-minded. Then, after the first 6-8 positions in rating, level of education in other schools swiftly degrades'. And sure thing, they in Wharton are a piece of cherry pie, who doubts... The guy himself was a typical milksop, no presentation skills, Very General Opinion about his Wharton Alma mater, not a single useful word about Why Wharton. Actually, why Wharton - he said that 'Business education is a frame; expect your study in Wharton to be sort of a vocational program in technical college'. Maybe I am subjective, sorry, guys, but I really did not expect an alumnus of one school say such stereotypic and rude things about other schools. I have waited for a session of Wharton for several months, as they are rare guests in Russia, and I am very disappointed with outcome.
The screen presentation was a copy of a brochure. The official representative of the school was friendly, though we were surprised to hear that in giving loans for tuition and living the school expects students to make a contribution of 10% ($6-7K+ a year) BECAUSE students must show how much they are ready to sacrifice for the honor of being admitted. I don't know if it is a common case for all schools, but others at least did not put it in words like that!
The second present alumnus, an expatriate living in Russia after graduation from Wharton-Lauder program, was a lovely gentleman. If I can say something good about the session, it is that that gentleman's contribution was very informative. And that we were offered some snacks (irony implied).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

AdMission Possible

Guys, it's oh-my-God-I-did-it message :) I hit the button in application to Harvard. The admissions decision will be available on Wednesday, January 17th.
It was my first ever application to a business school. Three more applications will follow soon in next two weeks, but the first time is the first time! Guys, we are a club now :)

I would love to repeat this exciting experience of submitting my story to a school tomorrow, before Wharton's 1 round deadline, but there is some absurdity going on between me and one of my main recommenders. He has actually prepared the letter and everything, and even submitted his recs to two of my schools, including Harvard, but each time I remind him about Wharton, he caresses me with "Don't worry" and "I'm on my way to submit" stuff, but hey, it's one day before the deadline, what's going on? =7

Two of my main recommenders are submitting their opinions in form of letters. I've learnt from them that the schools actually ask for answers on certain questions, and who knows whether a letter, even a really big one, will substitute short, but precise answers? This question tickles my nerves. Let's see! Now, I am leaving to mark January 17th in my planner, hope to see you all soon in the club of successful "submitters" :)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

MBA World Tour in Moscow

The Wall Street Journal / Harris Interactive ranking's best schools at the MBA World Tour event in Moscow:

[international rank (USA rank)]

1 ESADE Business School
2 IMD (International Institute for Management Development)
5 Thunderbird-The Garvin School of International Management
6(4) Columbia Business School
11(5) Haas School of Business - UC Berkeley
12 IE (Instituto de Empresa)
13 York University, Schulich School of Business
15 IESE Business School
17(7) Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
18 INSEAD (Executive MBA only)
21 SDA Bocconi
22 University of Toronto Joseph L. Rotman School of Management

Leaders of USA ranking:

1 University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
3 Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University
12 Duke University, The Fuqua School of Business

And a school which reputation, due to opinion of participating recruiters, is underestimated:

Washington University's John M. Olin School of Business

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