Saturday, December 02, 2006

Three Weeks Before Decision

It's been another quiet week in R1 applicants' life. In the meantime, guys, it's December! R2 deadlines are coming! :) After early denials in Chicago and Wharton, many applicants return to considerations of applying to safety schools in R2. In my case, I cannot say I am thinking about safety options, but still my R1 pack was a small one and there are several schools beside S-W-H that I am interested in. Returned to thoughts about Europe. I just checked information for applicants in LBS and was surprised to learn that only one recommendation comes from a supervisor, while second is requested from academic fields. That's good news for me, because I feel uncomfortable about asking a supervisor from my 2 years ago job about a recommending favour second time. I guess it's a major problem for all applicants who consider applying in two rounds in a row - chasing recommenders to do their job for a second time.

My cordial congratulations go this week to
Kor Al and ScareCrow, who received their first admission decisions from, respectively, Columbia and Cornell. Great news! I wish you that it's just a start! :) Don't stop blogging, we're waiting for more news!

Yes, chasing recommenders and asking for their help is tough. Though I never thought of asking for an academic recommendation for LBS, used both from work.

I think it is a great idea to meet :) And then blog about this :)) The date that comes to mind is a meeting day at MBAConsult. I mean we can at least get to know each other :)
Let's discuss the meeting in email. Mine is
Thanks for the wishes !
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