Friday, December 08, 2006

Another Week Passed

Time goes by :) New Year is forthcoming. News of this week:

Congratulations to
MBABlogger with admission to Darden! Hurray!

It must be a wonderful moment - to receive the first admission :) I don't know if it will happen with me this time, but I am looking forward to learning this feeling, when you get a phone call from an Adcom telling you that The School Wants You :)

This week was full of doubts. Suddenly, I started recalling things I wrote in my essays, and the more I think about what I said, the more I question myself, did I use the room to express myself at full? I feel like now, two months after submission, I can write a book about what I am and what ideas I have for my present and future :)

This week I went for rock-climbing with my new colleagues. I have seen rock-climbing in movies, but it was my first time in a climbing gymnasium. I chose a track and started ascent, making long pauses to find a right support for my palms and feet, and at two meter height realized that my hands became so tired that I could not make a centimeter progress. I was hanging on a rope like a pear on a branch and whining "I'm gonna down!" :) My experienced friends said "Nope, you have to reach the summit first", but my reaction was "You either take me down or I jump on your heads" ;))

Disclaimer: 10 minutes later, after I was debriefed about my mistakes (such as taking too much time to decide about next step and not giving my hands any rest), I reached my first modest summit, and then repeated that personal achievement several times to get the feeling what this rock-climbing is about. But at that moment when I felt I could not make a single step forward and could only retreat, I caught myself on a thought: that's the case of facing a failure that verifies that I am just a feeble girl who cannot push herself to overcome her weaknesses. If I cannot climb a wall, can I be the one among many hundreds of applicants to be selected for a school like Harvard, for example? Very pathetic, but it helped me to conquer the next track. Something to describe in my applicant's memoirs, too ;)

Thanks a ton for the special wishes!! Is'nt it wonderful to have friends who really wish that you make to your choice of school !! We have never met.. and may be we wont.. but its a wonderful bloggers community where we try and help each other, helping others avoid the pitfalls we might have faced.. wishing that we all get success !! And I am sure you would too !! Thanks agian
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