Monday, September 04, 2006

Recommendation for Stanford? Ouch!!!

This weekend I had a minute to observe and compare recommendation forms of my 5 favourite schools. In general, all sing more or less in one tune, all but Stanford. My supervisor showed me a questionnaire he received from Stan, and I must tell you it's a pain! Supervisor is asked to provide 3 to 5 pages of review with detailed examples of my projects and, what really made him flustered, with example of a feedback he provided on my work and what I said or did in response... Ouch! It's tricky. We will have to set an extra session to recall appropriate formal examples :)

I just tried and I'm able to login to my Columbia App.

But i guess i did get a mail from them about the new app. Maybe you should wait for the mail for some more time and then mail Columbia.
I sent them a letter 2 weeks ago, got a reply that they experience technical difficulties. Once in a week I try to re-request an activation letter, no success yet. If it will not arrive in one week, I'll have to call Columbia, because I cannot create a new ap on my name :(
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